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Posts tagged as "Traveling onions"

Gardening season in full swing

2013-06-06 by Cam Farnell, tagged as Raised beds, Peaches, Traveling onions

After what seemed like a long, chilly spring we are finally getting some summer weather. So, time for a progress report.

Raised bed Alice Raised bed Bob Temporary Tomatoes

Here in raised bed Alice we have a bunch of lettuce, one sad looking tomato (foreground) and, just beyond the stick, are some carrots currently too small to see; well, in person you can see them but you can't in this photo. The sad looking tomato went through some cool nights (under plastic cover) but apparently wasn't happy about it. In raised bed Bob we have a profusion of lettuce with basil, tatsoi, cabbage and others in the background. In bed Carol are, temporarily, some tomatoes which are going to get planted later today.

Raised bed Carol Strawberries in flower Garlic on the go

The other end of bed Carol has onions in the foreground, cabbage in the background and a couple of others in between. In the lower garden the strawberries are doing acceptably and the garlic is progressing very well. We weren't sure how well the garlic would survive the winter: it was planted in a great rush last November just as we were rushing about getting ready for out trip to Australia. It should have been covered with a thick layer of straw to protect it over the winter and early spring but in fact it survived and looks to be doing well. This is our first experience growing garlic but so far so good.

New beds

Just south of the garlic are two new raised beds. The one on the right is finished, full of soil and we plan to plant potatoes in it later today. The on on the left has just been bolted together but, being on sloped ground, needs additional boards to be cut and placed under it to level it up and once that is done we will fill it with soil.

Raised bed Eve Traveling onions

Raised bed Eve is still pretty sparse but does have various squash (which will eventually trail out over the front) and some Egyptian traveling onions. The onions were given to us last year by a friend, planted but never grew well. This year, to our surprise, they popped up and are doing great.

Peach trees Peach bed

Andrea bought two peach trees a few days ago. Since we have no great places to plant trees we are making raised beds, each just shy of two meters square. We have been wheel barrowing three loads of soil into beds each day. When the photo was taken this first peach bed had nine wheel barrows of soil in it. Oh, the dumpster. We are finally getting around to cleaning up the last of the construction debris from the north side of the house and it was rather more that we wanted to have to do using out little utility trailer. Also, it's time to clean the garage and deal with all the stuff that accumulated there over the winter. During the winter it's just way too convenient to dump stuff in the garage "just for now".